The International Committee for Har Hazeitim

Har Hazeitim A 3,000-year-old historical site

The 3000 year old Har HaZeitim (Mount of Olives) cemetery is the burial site of 150,000 Jews, among them prominent Jewish luminaries and leaders dating back to the First Temple  period. 


The International Committee for Har Hazeitim during the past 14 years has been working closely with the Israeli government to eliminate vandalism, criminal acts, neglect and disrepair from our oldest and holiest Jewish cemetery. 


The improved sense of security facilitated by the installation of hundreds of cameras monitored at a 24/7 security center, police substation, fencing and other measures, has brought back significant numbers of visitors and tourists.


As a result of these improvements, there are now tours, concerts and the construction of a Visitor Center which upon completion will allow visitors to journey through 3000 years of Jewish history, which includes key figures like Menachem Begin, Henrietta Szold, The Bartenura, Zechariah the Prophet and the Ohr HaChayim. 


A new Har Hazeitim Visitor Center

The new Visitor Center at the Mount of Olives will offer an in-depth and exciting experience for all visitors. The Center, built out of respect for the historical and important past of the Mount of Olives, will combine state-of-the-art technological innovation with age-old tradition. Visitors will be able to enjoy interactive displays, guided tours, and videos that tell the story of key figures buried there.
In addition, the Visitor Center will provide information resources about the historical and religious importance of the site, as well as easy access to anyone interested in learning and deepening their understanding of the rich history of the people of Israel.

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Lighting a memorial candle in memory of your loved one

You are invited to commemorate the fallen and light a virtual memorial candle in memory of your loved ones and in memory of the fallen.

Searching for graves

The City of David association established a mapping system of the cemetery on the Mount of Olives, and it contains more than 20,000 names and graves. The system allows the user to locate the deceased and find the place of his grave on an aerial photograph and a close-up photograph of the grave itself, and even upload digital information about the deceased himself. Also, the system offers access routes and parking options near the grave site, as well as tour routes in the grave area.

Many human stories of Jews who discovered the burial place of their loved ones were revealed following the painstaking mapping work done in the last three years. The website of the Mount of Olives makes the search even more accessible and easy, and uploads the life story of the deceased not only on the tombstone but also on the Internet.

Click here to search for graves

Security escort

ICHH has worked closely with the Jerusalem police on Har HaZeitim to substantially improve security. In addition, visitors can arrange an armed escort at least 24-48 hours ahead of your visit to a gravesite. 

To arrange for an armed security escort, please call:

Visitors are responsible for arranging their own vehicular transportation

Be part of our work

Light a candle in the Jewish tradition of keeping the memory of a loved one alive

Be part of our work

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Branch number: 66 – Rehavia

Account number: 0142956599

Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance

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Discount Bank

Branch number: 66 – Rehavia

Account number: 0143655096

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יהיו חלק מהעשייה שלנו

לעמותה בישראל בשקלים:

בנק דיסקונט

מספר סניף: 66 – רחביה

מספר חשבון: 0142956599

סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה


לעמותה בחו״ל בדולרים:

בנק דיסקונט

מספר סניף: 66 – רחביה

מספר חשבון: 0143655096

non-profit 501c3 organization Tax Exempt

יש בעיה? התקשרו אלינו

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