About Us

The International Committee for Har Hazeitim (Mount of Olives) was established in 2010 by two Amercans, Menachem and Abe Lubinsky, following the publication of the State Comptroller’s scathing report on the conditions on the Mount of Olives.
The report referenced the Israeli Government’s neglect on the Mount of Olives, site of the most ancient and holiest Jewish cemetery. It stated that:

“The restoration of the cemetery is progressing at a snail’s pace; the level of maintenance is totally inadequate; the level of security declined; vandalism and criminal incidents continue to occur; and there is deep concern that if Har Hazeitim’s preservation cannot guaranteed, the funds and work invested in it will go down the drain.”

As a direct result, American Jewish leaders and activists established ICHH, whose goal it is to assist the State of Israel maintain, protect and develop the Holy Mountain.
The 3,000-year-old cemetery on the Mount of Olives is the burial site for Jewish leaders of all stripes — ultra-Orthodox, national religious and secular. The mountain is known to the Jewish people because of the righteous sages and national personalities buried there, including the prophets Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, rabbis and Hasidic leaders, the late Prime Minister Menachem Begin among so many others.
The committee is constantly working to restore the ancient cemetery to its well-deserved glory. As a result of meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former Jerusalem Mayor Minister Nir Barkat, current Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon, cabinet ministers, members of the Knesset, agency directors, police chiefs and prominent and influential personalities from all over the world and from all walks of Jewish life, the activities of ICHH have  succeeded in reawakening the need and desire to call for the step-by-step development of the Mount of Olives, our holiest and oldest cemetery.

Objectives of the committee's activity

Enhance security

  1. Act to ensure that the Mount of Olives is a safe place for its many visitors throughout the year. 
  2. Strengthen the security system through the Israel Police, security companies, patrols, state-of-the-art cameras and surveillance, secure escorts, etc.

Ensure Israeli sovereignty and control

  • To restore Har HaZeitim to its historical importance, with grave restoration, maintenance of path, and general beautification’.
  • To strengthen the sovereignty of the Jewish people on the Mount of Olives through significant projects such as the construction of a visitor education center, improving accessibility and public transportation, restoring graves, and more.
  • Increasing the number of visitors to the Mount of Olives – The Mount of Olives is an important site for the Jewish people and ICHH believes that it should be made accessible to all Israeli citizens, tourists, students, soldiers, senior citizens et al., through special events, organized tours, conferences and the like.

Increasing the number of visitors to the Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives is an important site for the Jewish people, and it should be made accessible to all Israeli citizens, school students, soldiers, senior citizens and more, through events, organized tours, conferences and the like.

A few ICHH Achievements and Successes

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Account number: 0142956599

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Discount Bank

Branch number: 66 – Rehavia

Account number: 0143655096

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יהיו חלק מהעשייה שלנו

לעמותה בישראל בשקלים:

בנק דיסקונט

מספר סניף: 66 – רחביה

מספר חשבון: 0142956599

סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה


לעמותה בחו״ל בדולרים:

בנק דיסקונט

מספר סניף: 66 – רחביה

מספר חשבון: 0143655096

non-profit 501c3 organization Tax Exempt

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